I hope this finds you well.
We have been under a heat warning, as much of the country had been. And a warning is right. The hot weather came on quickly and has stayed with us much of the week. There are still a couple of days yet to go before we get a small break.
I have to say that the weather of my youth is gone and I’m not sure it will ever come back. Hot, yes it was. But life-threatening? Rarely. I remember many play days outside, letting the sun warm my skin while a cool breeze drifted over me. There were mild Springs and Falls. Now, they are either freezing or boiling with summer feeling like one is stuck in a sauna on high with no way to escape.
Even rain has become the enemy with too much or too little, or worse yet, riding in on a wild storm that dictates that everyone take shelter. I used to love to sit at the window and watch the skies battle it out. Not anymore.
Some say weather comes in a cycle and the gentle weather of my childhood will circle back around. Others say something is broken and it will never come back.
I say that I miss the weather of old and wish it back with every superhot day and overwrought storm. Until then, you’ll find me in the house more than out even though they claim it’s Summer. How about you?
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Happy Reading,
Maira :)
Stay Together by Maira Dawn
Chapter 8
Link to Stay Together Chapter 8: https://mairadawn.substack.com/p/stay-together-chapter-8-by-maira
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