Writing post-apocalyptic or dystopian books can be kind of tricky now-a-days.
The first book of my first series, Sanctuary’s Aggression, was released in April of 2019. Since I’d always loved pandemic books and movies, I based the event on a pandemic. Books 2 and 3 came out in the spring and summer.
Then came the rumblings of a disease that could truly change the world. I hit the brakes on releasing books 4 and 5. Not only because I figured sales would tank, but because I felt rather icky about seeming to either take advantage of how people were feeling or causing any more panic.
People had it hard enough.
But a strange thing happened. Sales started to go up. And more importantly, readers asked when the other books would be published. I eventually released the next two books in 2020. I realized then just how much people love disaster fiction.
I think most people would agree that the world has changed during the last two years—though it didn’t become the physical disaster that books and movies use to thrill us.
But I tired of hearing about pandemics so I decided to base my next book on a different kind of event.
(Image by WikiImages from Pixabay)
Space junk—in particular, it falling to earth.
I had never thought much of it until I came across a website on NASA. Then whoa!
It got my writer wheels turning. What if something caused these 27,000 pieces of debris to fall to earth? 23,000 pieces are bigger than a softball and some are much, much larger—and they travel at speeds up to 17,000 miles per hour. This means, the website said, that even a tiny flake of paint can damage a spacecraft. Space shuttle windows have had to be replaced because of it.
Again. Whoa!
My new book, What Used to be Texas, starts five years after an event called The Fall. An astroid rams through a bunch of space junk causing a domino effect to ripple through it—and down it all comes.
Can it really do that? I don’t know. I hope not—but it makes for good fiction. :)
Writing the end of the world as we know it can be tricky now-a-days, but this time I think mine will stay completely in the realm of fiction. And that’s right where I want it.
Happy Reading,
Maira :)
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