Just a quick note to let you know what’s been going on.
For the last week or so, I’ve had covid. Not a horrible case. Still, I felt bad.
And more to the point, we had two rough storms back to back that took out a ton of trees in Northeast Ohio, causing hundreds of thousands of people to be without power, internet, or cell service.
Mostly because of the lack of power and Internet, I was unable to send out the normal newsletter and the paid supporter’s chapters of What Used to be Texas.
Well, things are better now. We got our Internet and power back last night! Yay!
And the weather ahead looks clear! I’m hoping it stays that way.
I’ve been using my newly-restored power to catch up on laundry and to put together what I owe all of you. :)
So, I’ll be sending out our regular bi-monthly newsletter this weekend. And, I’ll also be sending out the first chapters of What Used to be Texas, starting on Wednesday to all those on the paid subscriber list. (I really feel like we need a name for this group. lol)
Thank you for your patience! I hope you are all doing well and have a great week!
Happy Reading!
Maira :)
Get well first and then you can go back to work 😊 We need you well to enjoy all you do. Take care of yourself.