I hope this finds you well.
I’m going to be putting all the parts of the Albert story together under it’s own subheading. That way it will be easier to read after it’s been in the newsletter.
I’m not sure, but you may get notification of that. If so, I apologize in advance. Please ignore them.
Happy Reading,
Maira :)
What Used To Be series: Albert Anderson PhD (Part 5)
Previously: Albert is with the military in a secret underground bunker eagerly watching the beginning of The Fall. He begins to see all his plans for any experiments that make it to earth crumble when the Captain orders the larger debris to be broken up. In desperation, he uses his secret experiment—a transporter—to move some of the experiments from space to his lab. It was a one-in-a-billion shot, but it worked.
Knowing there are more experiments to find, Albert convinces two soldiers to join him in a search for more experimental boxes. Outside the compound, Albert finds more science experiments and an injured woman. He takes the woman to his lab.
Part 7:
*He couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of having a new subject. His previous experiments had been successful, but they had all been with animals. Now he could try them on a human.
He rummaged through the cabinet and pulled out a small vial of liquid. He held it up to the light, admiring the sienna-colored liquid.
This beautiful new serum had the possibility of enhancing a person’s strength and agility—to superhuman levels. When testing rats, the results had been amazing. Their strength and speed had doubled. They had also become so uncontrollable, that he'd had to end the experiment and the subjects. He could only imagine what it would do for a human.
With a syringe in one hand and the vial in the other, he turned back to the woman. “I want to . . . ask you a question,” he said, his voice laced with excitement. “What if you could be stronger? Faster? Perhaps more powerful than any human has ever been before?”
The woman’s eyes widened. He’d frightened her. “What are you talking about?”
“It’s okay. It’s your choice. This serum,” Albert said, holding up the vial. “It can do all that. Make you stronger, faster, more powerful than any human has ever been before. It’s the key to unlocking humanity’s full potential.”
The woman glanced from him to the door. “And what’s the catch?”
“There’s no catch,” Albert said, keeping his voice calm and using every ounce of persuasion he had in him. “Just a few minor side effects. I promise you, the benefits far outweigh the risks.”
The woman glanced at the vial as if she was considering it. But then her face darkened.
Albert’s elation plummeted. Before he realized what he was doing, the needle was in the woman’s arm. He punched the plunger as fast as he could, releasing the serum into her body.
The woman screamed, pulled the needle out, and grabbed her bleeding arm. “What have you done!”
“I’m sorry,” Albert stammered, but he wasn’t. This had been his golden opportunity and he would never have given her the chance to back out.
Albert watched her closely. At first, nothing happened. The woman just glared at him, still furious. But then, slowly an expression of wonder came over her face. She wiggled her fingers and toes as though feeling something in them.
“What is happening?” Albert demanded. “Tell me!”
She grabbed her stomach. Then jumped up, grabbed a small garbage can, and vomited repeatedly. Finally, she dropped the trash container and fell to the floor.
Albert watched in fascination as her muscles expanded and contracted, rolling under her skin as if there were some sort of invader trying to get out.
She shrieked over and over, her pain overcoming her reason as she writhed on the floor as he stood over her.
“I’m sorry,” he told her more than once but was sure his expression told her otherwise.
After 93 minutes and 13 seconds, she passed out. Her muscles quieted. Was the transition complete? Only time would tell.
Remembering the woman’s anger, Albert raced across the room and opened the largest cage in his lab. He sometimes shipped in chimpanzees and kept them here. The primates were extraordinarily strong, and none had ever managed to escape.
Surely, the enclosure would hold this woman once she woke.
To be continued . . .
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