I am now absolutely done with the first book of the What Used to Be series, What Used to be Texas. It also has its beautiful new cover created by Wynter Designs, and a new blurb by The Blurb Doctor.
As I mentioned before, I’ve been uploading the chapters to Kindle Vella as it was written and edited. Click the link above it you want to check out the first three chapters for FREE.
It has done well on Kindle Vella—as of right now, it is a Top Faved story!
But it is time for this part of the story to grow up and become a book all on its own. :)
The rules of Kindle Vella are that the chapters need to stay there until the last episode has been on the website for 30 days. That will be the end of April.
I’m not going to promise an actual date because that never goes well for me. lol. But I’m going to work hard to get it published at that time.
What will I be up to until I can push that publish button?
I’ve just about completed a short story that will come out in September entitled, When Tomorrow Comes. It is a prequel of the What Used to Be series. It will be released in an anthology with 19 other top Post-apocalyptic authors and all the proceeds will go to charity!
And in the next couple of weeks I will be starting the next full-sized novel (book 2) in this series entitled, What Used to Be Arkansas.
Arkansas will have our heroines, Molly and Anjulie, along with a tribe of orphans who have banded together to survive during the hard times after The Fall.
Arkansas will also be added to Kindle Vella as it is being written before being published as a book. I will probably be writing on this book through the summer and perhaps into the fall. Sadly, I’m not a fast writer. lol.
Happy Reading,
Maira :)
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