I hope this finds you well.
I have been trying to get back in the swing of things but, as I’m sure anyone who has lost someone knows, that isn’t easy. However, I have been keeping busy.
My mother still needs assisted living help, and thankfully, we were able to find one just a couple of miles from my, as well as (one of) my sister’s homes. It is a beautiful place with a very friendly staff, and she has a roomy studio apartment. Mom has decorated it, making a cozy “nest” for herself. We are so fortunate we found it.
We have a nice little schedule of visits which includes helping Mom make cookies, something she loves doing. After 62 years together, she misses Dad but is working at continuing on.
My brain has been foggier than usual and I only realized today that I haven’t been uploading new chapters of What Used to be Arkansas. I sincerely apoligize. I will work on those this week.
Below are a lot of nice book promos, including some for young adults and those who appreciate clean books. Some are on sale and some are free, another one is in Kindle Unlimited! There are also a few at the bottom that I posted last month that are still going on. So if you didn’t check them out last time, you may want to this time.
Thanks for checking out this newsletter and
Happy Reading,
Maira :)
76 Sci-fi and Fantasy books on sale! Until 3/31. https://book.mairadawn.com/marsff002b/cca5s1fs3z
Sci-fi and Paranormal in Kindle Unlimited, including Young Adult books! Until 3/31. https://book.mairadawn.com/kureads-ya-books/532pkczxgh
On Sale! Boxsets of Fantasy and Sci-fi, including Young Adult books. Until 3/31. https://book.mairadawn.com/fantasyscifiboxsets/l7drsnpncw
Giveaway of Clean Sci-fi and Fantasy! Get your copy before this promo March 17.
Featured Sci-fi Kindle Unlimited books! https://storyoriginapp.com/to/hz5Awde Until 3/14.
Sci-fi Giveaway for featured ebooks! https://storyoriginapp.com/to/HUmPp9J Until 3/14.