I’m going to keep today’s newsletter short. But exciting things are coming!
On Sunday, I’m going to release a 5,000 word short story entitled, Beyond The Walls, that the entire group will be able to enjoy. It will feature Wolf from the What Used to Be Arkansas novel. It is a stand-alone story that takes place before the main series. So keep on the watch for that. :)
For the Supporters, I will be finished When Tomorrow Comes on Wednesday. You will also receive Beyond The Walls on Sunday. And next week, I will start releasing What Used to Be Texas in written and audio form. Thank you for your support. It is highly appreciated!
I know my audio isn’t as good as a professional but I hope it is helpful to those who need or like it. :)
I hope you all enjoy Beyond The Walls!
This Sci-fi Fantasy Giveaway has a lot of books for you to check out!
Speculative Fiction Galore has Sci-fi and Fantasy books on sale starting at 99c! https://book.mairadawn.com/speculativefictionsociety/b1ic06fhts
These 220 featured Fantasy and Sci-fi books are all on sale starting at 99c! https://book.mairadawn.com/featuredfantasymarch/epeyqbtbfi
These formerly featured Book Deals are still going on:
Lots of Horror, Fantasy, and Sci-fi—all on sale! https://storyoriginapp.com/to/895Al47
Horror, Sci-fi, and Fantasy—all in Kindle Unlimited! https://storyoriginapp.com/to/QmB6ZoN
27 Fantasy, Sci-fi, and Romance Series Starter books in Kindle Unlimited. https://book.mairadawn.com/kuseriesstarters/410ahltb6n
If you’re a Kindle Vella reader, check out these 36 awesome stories on Vella right now! https://book.mairadawn.com/letsreadkindlevellas/byd9kf77v0
Speculative Fantasy Sci-fi Giveaway! https://book.mairadawn.com/earlyspringspeculative/wact44g0gy
Horror, Scif-fi, and Fantasy Giveaway! https://book.mairadawn.com/worldsofdoomanddanger/ur4bumeo2v