Covid :(
I hope this finds you all well!
Well, it finally happened—after two extremely easy Covid bouts in the past three years, I now have a “real” case of it. I suppose it would be considered a moderate case, but it has definitely had me out of commission. But I can finally crawl out of the hole I’ve felt like I’ve been in to let you know what’s up.
What has been worrying me more is that my mom and dad have it and ended up in the hospital. So the short story is that Dad noticed Mom acting confused and very shaky. We called an ambulance. And at the hospital, we found out she had Covid. It was during the time I was helping her that day, I caught it from her.
Her early symptoms were confusion, extreme muscle weakness, and fatigue. So we didn’t recognize it as Covid at all. Two days later, I got it. And my dad got it and also needed to go to the hospital. (I didn’t get the confusion. I have muscle weakness but can still walk around.)
Up to this point, my parents have never even had a sniffle from Covid. They are housebound except for doctor appointments, which helps protect them. My mom had been to the ER earlier in the week so it seems pretty clear she got it there. But she needed the ER so I can’t be mad at that. It’s going to happen.
They have gone through different symptoms since the first day, but are still very weak. They can’t walk more than a couple of steps at a time. Last night, they were moved to a rehabilitation facility. They said it is very nice and the food is good. :) And they are in the same room.
I’m keeping in contact with them by phone. I can’t go in as I still have a full-blown case of Covid.
So that was a longer story than I thought it would be.
Anyhow. lol.
Gold members have probably noticed I didn’t get their usual chapters out to them this week. I apologize for that and will work on those as I feel up to it. (I have good phases and bad.) When everything goes well, it doesn’t take too long for that post so I’ll try to get one out today.
We are due for a newsletter with free story this week. I’m going to try. I’m making small goals for myself and taking care of this is my current goal. Don’t worry. I’m still getting plenty of rest.
Please, take care of yourself and be safe out there!
Happy reading,
Maira :)