In November, things changed for our family.
My husband’s workplace cut his hours. My book sales slowed, as they did for many other authors.
In December, I needed to pick up other work.
I know I’m not the only one in this boat. Things are tough for many people. And I’m not usually one to spill my problems. But I wanted to explain.
My “good” hours are precious to me. I have health problems that limit how many I get a day. By the time I come home from work, my brain is mush. I can hardly think, let alone spin a story.
I will continue the What Used to be Series. I already have book 3 figured out. But at this rate it is going to take a while to finish it.
I have one resource—this newsletter.
Substack has been encouraging everyone to start a paid portion of their newsletter—however they wish to do that. Many other Substack writers have added a paid format.
Under the circumstances, I decided it was time for me to look at doing that too.
I’m not taking anything away from the free portion of the newsletter. I’m simply going to add a paid portion for anyone who would like to chip in to help me have the funds to continue writing on a regular basis.
What will people on the paid part of the newsletter get?
I have two short stories out there that go with What Used to Be that I will add to the paid side of the newsletter. One is a prequel about the night of The Fall, showcasing a family that will be in book 3. The other is a short story featuring Wolf from What Used to be Arkansas.
I have released What Used to be Texas and What Used to be Arkansas on Kindle Vella. Their rules state I can only release the stories on other sites if the episodes are behind a paywall. Once I have a paid section, I can add it there.
As I write, I can add some of the early parts of the manuscript. Some people enjoy reading this and giving feedback on the story development.
I will also offer a free book to my Founder’s list.
That’s what I’ve come up with so far. I’ll be adding some of this to the paid side of the newsletter this week.
If people can and want to donate, that’s awesome! I will really appreciate it. If you can’t or have some other reasons not to, I understand that too.
I hope you understand this move. It is needed if I plan to continue writing on a regular basis.
Happy reading,
Maira :)
What I’m Reading . . .
I’m not reading anything at the moment but have a book cued up on my Kindle. Here it is in case you’d like to check it out.
One Of Those Faces by Elle Grawl
It is a book about a woman who has escaped a bad marriage. Even though life is better in some ways, strange things begin to happen.
It is in Kindle Unlimited or $4.99 for the ebook. Check it out below.
Love Stranger Things? Check out this awesome giveaway. Get everything in the picture!
New Year, New Sci-Fi Books! All subgenres of science fiction, including post-apocalyptic and dystopian, on sale now! Adult and Young Adult.
New Year, New YA Books! All genres, including post-apocalyptic and dystopian, on sale for a limited time!
SURVIVAL Prequels & Sequels - Free Giveaway! Books dealing with survival situations.
New Year, Future Worlds - All post-apocalyptic and dystopian reads on sale now.