Well, it’s very late as I get this ready to send out. We had our grandson over for a long weekend and have been doing things with the family today. He loves playing with all his cousins.
Trent starts school on Monday, which he is a little excited about, so we wanted to have a special weekend full of fun. So far, so good. A trip to the local theater to see Despicable Me 4 sealed the deal as far as the kids were concerned. My daughter and I also found it amusing.
Tomorrow, we’ll have the last swim before school but it won’t be too sad as the pool is usually open until the middle of September or a bit later. We can have all the fun disapear the moment the school books creak open. lol.
I hope you are having a nice late summer too!
Below are the book deals. So, don’t miss out on those. There is a lot to go through but something for everyone.
There is also another chapter of Stay Together! I enjoy writing this book. I often take the first turn into monster land but this one is realistic. It gives me the opportunity to get into the emotions the characters are feeling about the situation they’re in. I hope you enjoy it too.
Happy Reading,
Maira :)
Stay Together by Maira Dawn
Chapter 12
Link to Stay Together Chapter 12: https://mairadawn.substack.com/p/stay-together-chapter-12-by-maira?
Available now!
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